Who We Are

African Community Impact Organization (ACIO) is a non-profit organization working in Kenya, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The organization partners with many other organizations to ensure environmental protection and conservation among other goals. Wildlife conservation is one of the key goals of the organization.

There is a key role to be played by various individuals to ensure that endangered species are protected and to advocate for more wildlife protection from the various governments. ACIO serves this role in the countries that it operates.

Our Vision

  • The vision of ACIO Wildlife Conservation is to be inclusive, equitable, accessible, dynamic, and open to new and diverse perspectives, ensuring effective responsiveness to the unique needs of the communities we serve.

Our Mission

  • Our mission is to enhance community health by preserving and restoring natural areas and open spaces, safeguarding rivers, oceans, watersheds, animals, and plants, while fostering environmental stewardship. Our commitment extends to the protection of wild animal and plant species, and the overall conservation of nature.

Our Goal

  • ACIO wildlife conservation envisions a world where wildlife prospers in healthy lands and seas, valued by societies that embrace and benefit from the diversity and integrity of life on earth.

What we do

Food Security & Agriculture

Using climate-resilient and nutritionally targeted agriculture practices, ACIO Wildlife Conservation works to make a sustained and positive difference in helping vulnerable communities improve their nutrition and food security while adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change.

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ACIO Wildlife Conservation fighting the erosion of biodiversity for food and agriculture which has required us more sustainable management, use and conservation.

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ACIO Wildlife Conservation work with women

We support education for girls because when women have opportunities for education and professions, their economic livelihoods improve, their communities thrive and human-wildlife conflict plummets.

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ACIO Wildlife Conservation work with Indigenous People

ACIO work with Indigenous People as their contributions are essential in designing and implementing solutions for ecosystems.

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Planting trees

ACIO Wildlife Conservation protect the natural habitats by planting trees in garden and other potential land via tree-planting programs.

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ACIO Recycling program reduces the demand for new products, protects the lives of animals, and contributes to carbon offsetting by lowering waste sent to landfills and incinerators, both large sources of carbon emissions.

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Creating Wildlife Areas

ACIO Wildlife Conservation creates wildlife areas as an excellent approach to helping local wildlife populations and providing much-needed habitat.

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Public education and awareness

ACIO Wildlife Conservation educates the public about significant role for wildlife conservation and creating a culture of accountability, sustainable behavior.

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Sustainable Land-Use Practices

We work for sustainable land-use practices that protect wildlife by reducing habitat loss and fragmentation. This include promoting sustainable agriculture, reducing the use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals, and using eco-friendly technologies in forestry and other industries.

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Habitat conservation

We preserve natural habitats, such as wetlands or woods, entails protecting land from development and other human activities that can disturb the ecology.

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Tackling Climate Change.

ACIO addresses climate change through education, policy advocacy, community engagement, research, scientific partnerships, mitigation projects, international collaboration, and continuous monitoring to safeguard wildlife and their habitats.

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Marine conservation

In marine conservation we have spent years working with individuals and organizations who journey with us to guard our sea and who share our vision to ensure that generations to come, get to experience the beauty of oceans and lakes in real life.

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Wildlife conservation

With a focus on protecting endangered species across diverse ecosystems, ACIO recognizes the pivotal role these species play in maintaining ecological balance and the circle of life.

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Research and Education

By engaging in extensive educational initiatives, ACIO aims to enlighten the public about the critical role of conservation and the individual actions necessary for enhanced wildlife protection and survival.

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Environmental management

ACIO Wildlife Conservation focuses on reducing risks associated with exposure to chemicals to improve air quality; protecting waters from being contaminated; improving waste management practices; and promoting a healthy relationship between humans and their environment.

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Our Values

We envision a sustainable region where, through education and collaboration:

  • Protected natural areas provide habitats for wildlife and places where people can enjoy nature forever.
  • Public and private partnerships accelerate the pace of land preservation for the enrichment of all.
  • People benefit from and enjoy clean and healthy streams, wetlands, and lakes.
  • All land development incorporates stewardship of the environment.
  • People understand and embrace conservation issues, and act to preserve the environment.
  • Protect marine species under extinction, endangered and critically endangered according to IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Our Strategic Focus

Over the next ten years, The Conservation Foundation will continue to strengthen its commitment to be an inclusive, community-based organization with impactful on-the-ground programs and projects tailored to the needs of each community served. This approach will result in:

  • Deepen mission impact in communities,
  • Local, grassroots efforts that helps mitigate the impacts on the climate change
  • A consistent and expected presence in communities,
  • Meaningful and long-lasting relationships with communities and organizations
  • A more engaged communities in local conservation
  • Broader community support for TCF and for local conservation programs
  • Communities where conservation is embraced as a core value,

ACIO Wildlife Conservation

ACIO Wildlife Conservation engages in a comprehensive strategy, encompassing the identification, mapping, and documentation of wildlife hotspots to enhance habitat connectivity and ecological integrity. Additionally, the organization focuses on refurbishing and equipping wildlife research stations, enhancing ecological monitoring programs across all Protected Areas (PAs), and establishing a national wildlife research database at the ACIO Wildlife Service headquarters. The initiative includes the enhancement of wildlife security and management. To encourage eco-tourism in communities coexisting with wildlife, ACIO will initiate a program to map and secure areas with potential for ecotourism.

In ACIO wildlife conservation, our goal is to halt the killing, trafficking, and demand for some of Africa’s most endangered wildlife species. Many species face the risk of extinction primarily due to poaching, surpassing threats from natural causes or conflicts with humans. Iconic animals such as elephants are illegally hunted for their body parts, while big cats like lions and cheetahs are killed for their bones. ACIO’s efforts extend to protecting large carnivores, preventing the illegal trade of great apes like chimps, and conserving pangolins, all of which face various threats.


Additionally, ACIO is involved in marine conservation, addressing the alarming statistics provided by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. This includes addressing the threat of extinction for a significant percentage of sharks, rays, reef corals, mammals, and reptiles, many of which inhabit oceans, lakes, and marine environments. Overfishing, habitat loss, pollution, and climate change are identified as major contributors to the precarious state of these species.

Take action with ACIO by supporting climate-friendly projects. Contact us to explore ways you can make a positive impact.